Rom Pusy Fav v1 Lenovo A859 - Bismillah
Assalamu'alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
Punten Kasadayana,,, mo Promo Madu dulu, bagi yang minat madu asli hutan Riau, silahkan PM aye, nope 081374228111 hehehe
Langsung aja ya,,,,
Pussy Fap ROM V1 Port By Mardiansyah Abu Uwais Piliang
Fasilitas :
- Dolby
- Switch 3G
- Icon Sinyal LTE!
- Smooth
- Ram Lega
- Rooted
- Lolypop 5.0 (Fake) n bisa main game d Lolypop nya seperti Flapy bird
- Base on Stock ROM n CM
- Camera 5 dan 2 MP (Mau lebih silahkan pake Lenovo Super Camera)
- n many more
How Instal?
- Download
- Copy ke Sd Card
- Reboot CWM
- Wipe Data
- Wipe Cache
- Wipe Cache Dalvik
- Instal ROM
- Reboot System
TWRPDownload :
- Download
- Copy ke Sd Card
- Reboot TWRP
- Masuk Wipe
- Slide Factory Reset
- Instal ROM
- Reboot System
Mega :!BEYBRDhA!xWLJFv3Oa_SXgQNG4s6dloVPWE2N8M-dD3DIze7fyVw
- Internal n SD Card terbaca, tapi ketika dihubungkan ke komputer akan minta format n JANGAN DIFORMAT!
Nothing is perfect!If u find any bugs, lets fix together, and DWYOR, porter tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala kerusakan yg terjadi.
Alhamdulillaah Big Thanks to Allah Subhanahu wata'ala n teman2 porter atas bantuan nye serta all of crew n big family of Lenovo A859 Indonesia for the support.And Enjoy it.
Credit to :
Allah Subhanahu wata'ala
Big Family of Lenovo A859 Indonesia
Om Admin n Tante Admin
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