Kamis, 01 Januari 2015

ROM AOSP Lollipop For Nexus 9

 ROM AOSP Lollipop For Nexus 9

[ROM] [AOSP] Lollipopalooza | flounder/volantis/Nexus 9 | WiFi | LRX22C

This is my very own personally maintained custom ROM for the WiFi Nexus 9 (flounder/volantis) called Lollipopalooza!! It is an AOSP (Android Open Source Project) 5.0 based ROM with a simple aim... add a few useful features to AOSP without deviating too much.

Lollipopalooza Banner

This will be a spin-off of my previous Nexus 10 ROM ThunderKat, but from scratch and obviously based on Android 5.0.

I don't expect this to compete with the big boys (CyanogenMod, AOKP, Paranoid Android and the like) and this ROM will have a considerably limited feature-set compared to them. If you want a lot of customisations and configurations, they are definitely the way to go.

Please note that since this is a fully de-odexed ROM, it will take a while to boot up the first time. Please follow the installation instructions carefully.

1. Updated to AOSP Android 5.0.1_r1 LRX22C
2. Code cleanup and stability fixes for existing features
3. Latest vold and filesystem support updates from CyanogenMod
4. SELinux policy updates
5. Update Google Apps pack
6. Move back to block-based update zip which is a million times faster to flash.

1. Updated to AOSP Android 5.0.0_r7 LRX21V
2. Movable navigation bar buttons (Settings > Display > Navigation Bar Position)
3. Volume rocker wake (Settings > Display > Volume rocker wake)
4. Volume rocker cursor control (Settings > Language & input > Volume key cursor control)
5. Native status bar battery percentage display (Settings > Display > Battery percentage)
6. Per-app keyguard/lockscreen notification controls (Settings > Sound & notifications > App notification)
7. Fixes and UX updates for clear-all recents
8. Android volume daemon and file system automount support updates (Added groundwork for NTFS, exFAT & EXT4 support)
9. OTG automount for NTFS partitions with R/W access
10. Support for TWRP recovery (updater script validates flounder or volantis)
11. Updated Google Apps Pack

1. Updated Google Apps Pack
1a. Removed Messenger
1b. Updated Play Music & Keep
1c. Updated Google services apps from LRX21Q ROM so we now have more ARM64 apps
1d. Fixed OK Google hotword detection.
2. Update repackaged SuperSU to version 2.23

2014/11/15 v2
1. Add Ambient display back. I have no idea how this disappeared!

1. Updated to AOSP Android 5.0.0_r6 LRX21T
2. Fixed AppOps
3. Advanced Power Menu (Shutdown, Advanced Reboot, Users, Sound, Airplane Mode, Settings, Lockdown)
4. Back button long-press kill app (Enable via Settings > Developer options > Kill app back button)
5. Custom device hostname (Change via Settings > Developer options > Device hostname)
6. Clear all recents (Credit 0xD34D)
7. Fixed bluetooth
8. Tweaked ART flags
10. Proprietary audio configs from stock ROM
11. User triggered media scanner (Settings > Storage)
12. OTG USB storage automount to /storage/usbdisk with full R/W access (VFAT/FAT32 only) [IMPORTANT! This depends on the modified ramdisk included with this ROM boot image. You may lose this feature if you another boot image]
13. Updated MAC permissions (SELinux stuff)
14. Miscellaneous framework fixes and tweaks
15. Packaged as an update zip flashable via AOSP or custom recovery
15. Google Apps Pack zip with latest updated apps, including ARM64 optimised apps) flashable via AOSP or custom recovery [IMPORTANT! This Google Apps Pack is specially created for the Nexus 9. Do not flash it on other devices]
16. Repacked SuperSU 2.19 ARM64 flashable via AOSP or custom recovery (Credit ChainFire) [IMPORTANT! This is the ARM64 version of SuperSU 2.19 repackaged for the Nexus 9. Do not flash it on other devices]
17. Disabled forced encryption of /data partition.

1. First build based on AOSP Android 5.0.0_r2 LRX21M
2. Enabled AppOps (Settings > Apps > AppOps)
3. Enabled Ambient display (Settings > Display > Ambient display)
4. Root-friendly stock kernel (Though I recommend ElementalX or FIRE-ICE kernel). [NOTE: This ROM is not rooted by default]
5. Added 64-bit busybox
6. Enabled Google Location Services

Installation Instructions:
1. Download the ROM zip
2. Download the Google Apps Pack zip and SuperSU 2.37+ recovery zip [Optional]
3. Reboot into TWRP recovery and flash
3.a. Lollipopalooza ROM
3.b. SuperSU [Optional]
3.c. Google Apps Pack [Optional]
4. Full wipe is mandatory if you are flashing this over any non-Lollipopalooza ROM. For all Lollipopalooza update, wipe cache and dalvik-cache

For best results (This is recommended even if this seems older that the ROM):
For best results, please make sure you flash the latest bootloader and vendor image from the LRX21R factory image.
1. Extract the archive and the zip archive within that.
2. Flash the bootloader
fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-flounder-
fastboot reboot-bootloader
4. Flash the vendor image
fastboot flash vendor vendor.img
Help and troubleshooting
1. Be patient. It could take a few minutes to flash the ROM.
2. If you get "failed to mount /dev/block/platform/sdhci-tegra.3/by-name/APP", unmount the system partition and try again
3. Make sure you use the latest SuperSU, preferably the recovery version of SuperSU.
4. If you flashed a kernel with SELinux disabled like the one provided by @USBhost on a previous build, make sure you flash that kernel after flashing the update (before you reboot), or you will get a bootloop and will have to perform a recursive restorecon on the /data partition to restore the SELinux contexts.
5. If you have a folder created in TWRP recovery mode which you cannot access when you boot up the ROM, you will need to perform a recursive restorecon on that folder restore the SELinux contexts.


Lollipopalooza Manifest
All repositories

Lollipops are fun, but too much is not good for your health. If you chose to enjoy the Lollipops in this thread, remember that you do so at your own risk. I am not responsible for cavities, stomach aches or any other ailments your device may have if you use this ROM. I do test these Lollipops prior to releasing them, but I make no guarantees.

Support this project:
If you like my work, buy me a beer so that I can pass time while my laptop churns out builds...
Google Wallet (Send Money to craigacgomez[at]gmail[dot]com)

Google, Samsung, ARM, Chainfire, 0xD34D, CyanogenMod, SlimRoms, rascarlo, AndroidFileHost

Source : XDA

ROM AOSP Lollipop For Nexus 9 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: A-Man Behind U

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